-Boyd K. Packer
The key to freedom is obedience, the reason Boyd k. Packer says that is because when you obey you get more trust. This means you will most likely get more freedom. One example is when you are at school if you obey , then you get rewards. You can at times go outside ,go do things for the teacher to get out of class and the teachers will trust you if you do the right thing. Another example would be with your parents. When you obey them, you do what they ask like clean, the house or wash the dishes you will most likely be able to go out because when you obey them they might think it would be nice for you to have some fun. Another example would be when you go out and you are on curfew and you come back at the right time they will most likely let you out again and maybe even let you stay out later. When you obey and choose the right you will gain trust and freedom.

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