School Break Days
This winter break i did not do very much. The first week we mostly went to the mall to do our Christmas shopping.I stayed over at my cousins and we watched movies.For Christmas I got less than usual but i was happy with what i did get.I got a windbreaker, gift cards,money, and clothing.The second week i did nothing much i tried to start running at the park but they said it was too dangerous to go running by myself so i kind of stopped unless my sister went with me. I went to this place called The great wolf lodge.It was a resort and it had an indoor waterpark. I went with my aunt and her family.It was fun the water was warm and the waterslide were fun. I started talking to a new person and they were fun to talk to.I got closer and spent more time with an old friend who i was close to before.I spent time with my cousins and his friends as they were building and renewing a fence at my house. On Saturday i met up with some of my friends and we went to her house and ate a lot. That same night i had a movie night with my sisters and my cousins. We got fries and ate a lot of them.Thankfully I did not get any homework and i just got to be lazy all day.

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