Friday, September 30, 2016

   ‘’We learn to do by doing’’
                       Spencer w. Kimball
This statement is true. I agree with this because by actually practicing and doing it you actually get better.For example when you want to get an A on your math test you study and you practice hoping to get better at is to pass your maths test.Another example would be dancing i use to say that I sucked at dancing and i didn't even try but now as ive danced a little bit more i'm  getting better at it. People who become professional skateboarders and who are super good practice. They worked hard for what they got. They obviously weren’t as good as they are right now, but the more the did what they aspired to do the better they got at it. When you choose the right and practice of course you get better.Unlike some people who think it is going to be handed to them.Remember to ctr and you’ll accomplish lots of things.

                                           Emergency medical technician

Duties and responsibilities: They rush to the crisis and perform medical assistance for the patients who need it. They also provide basic life support while trying to be transported to the hospital.
education :A  emt program that prepares you for a test you have to take to get your license.
Demand or need for this profession: Growth 23%

Reflection: I would not like to be an emt because i feel like it would be hard to see the faces of people that you couldn't save plus i don’t work good under pressure.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

                          “Forgive but never forget”
                       -Emily perez

This means to forgive the people for what they have done but never forget what they did to you.When people say forgive and forget it is not good because when you do that, i feel like you are letting yourself getting walked on. I am not saying to hold a grudge because that is bad.Just do not play yourself a fool when they hurt you again. You are going to look dumb if you keep saying the past is in the past because they are hurting you.No matter what they past is always haunting you it shapes you to be the person you are.So if a person hurts you, yes it is okay to forgive, but remember the thing they did because sooner or later they are going to hurt you again. It is up to you whether you forgive the 2nd time but you have to think about what they have done to you and if it is acceptable to forgive them once more.When you are fooled by them once it is their fault but that is why you can’t forget the past, because once they do it again you're the fool.


                                                   ENT DOCTORS

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: ENT doctors are doctors that work with the ears, nose and throat.They also deal with orders of the head anc neck.The are trained for both medical and surgical ear performance. They deal with allergies and nasal congestion and speech and singing.


Education:must complete about 15 years of education and a 4 year of undergraduate program , 4 year medical program and a 5 year specialty program.
Demand or need for this profession:It will grow 18%

REFLECTION:I would not like to be an ent doctor because of how much schools and programs you need to do to be one.

Monday, September 26, 2016

    ’Obedience is central to becoming,being and remaining happy”

                      - David Bednar

This statement is true. When you do the right things you feel proud of yourself. You make other people happy which warms your heart. When you do bad things and do not follow the rules it can be fun at first,but then you feel sad. The guilt of the thing you did bad eat you up and now you are no longer happy but anxious to see if someone finds out the bad thing you did wrong. You are constantly feeling guilty and not concentrating on school and other things. When your parents and the people you care about do find about you not being obedient not only do you make them sad but you also get sad yourself. When you do things like following the rules when you play the sport and trying everything possible to be a  better team player and not cheating you feel happy because you are becoming a good player. When you follow the rules in class and do your own work you feel happy when you get those good grades.When you are obedient everything falls into place good and you are happy most of the time. Remember to choose the right!!
                                           Student Services 
Lausd  has many services you can use to help you learn or catch up with things.There goal is to get you to graduate.There is an Academic Support and Achievement project, there goal is to get you on the right path just in case you don't care anymore or are neglected and stuff.There are many more things such as online libraries and many more. There is stuff such as field program where you get to sharpen your wok and professional skills.

Reflection:I think lausd is an amazing district because it has so many programs and resources for the students are in there district. There main goal is to get you to graduate and with all the resources and help I  feel like they are trying their best.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

                        "choosing the right is always the right thing to do" 
                                     -Alex linares

This statement is very true. When you don't know what to do you can always do the right thing.Let's say you are watching a basketball game, friends against other people at the park, and one of your friends fouled and they ask you what you saw.Although it might be tempting to say you didn't see anything , the right thing is to tell the truth, and now you gain more friends with the other team. Another example would be when you see an old lady struggling to carry her stuff, the right thing to do is to help. She will be grateful and happy and now you'll be happy and feel good.You have to live up to the best person you can be and always choosing the right helps you do that.When you choose the right you just won't make yourself proud but other people as well, mainly your parents. Always CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!!

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Duties and responsibilities:Dermatologists are physicians that treat the skin and sometimes hair and nails.They remove things such as warts, moles and other ‘’ abnormalities’’. They also tell their clients on how to take care of their skin and much more.
Education:Bachelor's degree,medical school,internship for 1 year, and 3 year residency
Demand or need for this profession:There is an increasing demand.

Reflection:I would not like to be a dermatologist because of how much school and things they would need to do to get a job.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

                                   "What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basketball player" -JOHN WOODEN 

John Wooden was a coach for the UCLA college basketball team.He was one of the best coaches and basketball players ever.He won many awards and trophies, yet he still did not think that is what labeled him.This quote shows how no matter how good you are as a basketball player or anymore sport player if you are not a good person then what is the point. For example a player can be super super good but act really mean really mean to the fans or people around him. When he does this most everyone will not like him no matter how good of a player he/she is.CHOOSE THE RIGHT. OR BE A NICE PERSON because all your hard work will not pay off if you are a bad person. 

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                                                       Public Relations
Duties and responsibilities:PR’s have to do presentations, do publicity planning,they do campaigns, they promote events, plan events  such as grand parties  and many more.They need to know how to talk to people also.


EDUCATION:They need a bachelor's degree.You would need to major in marketing or journalism.

Demand for this profession:very competitive, going to increase but only the best will make it.

Reflection:I would like to be a PR because i find the stuff they do very interesting.They make good money and it is only 4 years of school.

Friday, September 16, 2016

                                     "True wealth is of the heart,not of the purse."
                                                          -  Pathros

This statement is true.The reason I believe it is true is because sometimes money doesn't make you wealthy,happiness does. One example of that is when lets say you have all the money in the world but none of your family talks . This might make you sad and you finally realize that money does not mean a thing when you are lonely.Another example would be when you work so hard and you forget about looking around and simply being happy with what you have. I know it is good to better yourself but don't loose yourself just because you are money hungry. When you die people will remember you as the guy with a lot of money and not you as a person. When you are happy, having fun , surrounding yourself with people who love you , that is wealth. Even if you have tons of money if you are not happy or your heart does not feel complete then you are not wealthy!!!
                      DENTAL ASSISTANT

Duties and Responsibilities: Dental assistants help the dentist when they need stuff.They become the dentist’s extra hands.

Salary: $18,490-$33,470

Education:You do not need a college degree, but you do need to go to a school for it. You have to take a test and it is called a CDA exam.

Demand or need for this profession: Dental assistant will grow 25% from 2012-2022

I would not like to be a dental assistant . The reason is because I do not find passing tools to a dentist interesting.Also they pay a little compared to what I want.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

                               ''You cannot do wrong and feel right.It is impossible"
                                                         -Ezra t. Benson 

Image result         This statement is true. Doing things that are wrong will make you feel bad. Of course it might not be in that very moment but you might look back and feel guilty about it. Sometimes you might think doing wrong feel right but deep down you know you feel guilty.Or for example when you take drugs and you are on cloud 9 it might be addicting and you can harm your body. Although you might not feel bad mentally , you will feel bad physically. Another example can be the fact that you are so guilty you start becoming stressed and that can harm you physically.One other example is maybe you won,t feel bad but you may hurt another person doing it ,someone you may care about very much. That in the end will not make you feel right , and will make you feel guilty. In the end, Choose the right , SO YOU WON'T FEEL BAD !!

Duties and responsibilities: Dentist diagnose people with oral diseases. They also monitor the growing of our teeth and jaw.They do procedures such as cavity fillings and teeth removal

Education:Dentist need a Bachelor’s degree.You must take biology and chemistry so it can be easier to get into a dental school.
Demand for this profession: The demand for this profession is going to grow 16%

Reflection:I would not like to be a dentist because it kind of grosses me out to find out what they have in their mouth. For example diseases , and then we would have to try and cure their teeth and their disease filled gums.

Monday, September 12, 2016

                                    ''When I do Good ,I feel good. When I do Bad I feel bad."
                                                             - Abraham Lincoln 

          This quote is saying that what you do does really impact on your emotions or feelings. For example when you do good on a test because you knew the concept or you study really hard it makes you feel really good.You are most likely thinking hard word does pay off and you are happy.But when you do bad because you did not study or put effort you are going to feel bad.Another example would be when you do something nice for your parents you can see the smiles and feel the love and you feel really good and happy.But if you make your mom cry all the time , your a bad kid, you're ungrateful,it might not be right now but eventually you'll feel guilty and feel bad for doing bad.When you do good not only does it make you feel good but others too!Make sure to CHOOSE THE RIGHT! so you can feel good!!!

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Duties and Responsibilities: Chiropractors Care for patients with health problems that include nerves,muscles,bones,tendons and ligaments.They also help with neck and back pain and doing a physical examination.
Salary: $31,000-$66,000
Education: To be a chiropractor you need a Doctor of Chiropractic degree and a post graduate professional degree.
Demand for this profession: it is going to grow 15% in the next 4 years

REFLECTION: I think that being a chiropractor would be okay because the pay is fine . Also because they are more needed now and you don’t have to go to school for so long.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

      "The key to freedom is obedience.The more obedient we are, the more freedom we have" 
                                                   -Boyd K. Packer 

The key to freedom is obedience, the reason Boyd k. Packer says that is because when you obey you get more trust. This means you will most likely get more freedom. One example is when you are at school if you obey , then you get rewards. You can at times go outside ,go do things for  the teacher to get out of class and the teachers will trust you if you do the right thing. Another example would be with your parents. When you obey them, you do what they ask like clean, the house or wash the dishes you will most likely be able to go out because when you obey them they might think it would be nice for you to have some fun. Another example would be when you go out and you are on curfew and you come back at the right time they will most likely let you out again and maybe  even let you stay out later. When you obey and choose the right you will gain trust and freedom.  

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                                                        9/11 memorial 

On the day of September 11,2001 4 planes were hijacked and crashed, so many lives were lost.19 Islamic extremist easily smuggled knives and other weapons onto the planes.  More than 3,000 people lost their lives. It was on a Tuesday morning at 8:45 am when a jet flew into the north tower of the World Trade Center and just 18 minutes after ,flight 175 flew into the south tower. Right then and there they knew America was under attack. Not only was the World Trade Center attacked but so was the Pentagon. Flight 77 , 64 people on board at 9:37 am 6 hijackers crashed the plane into the pentagon and about 136 people were killed. Another plane that had been hijacked was flight 93 the people on there were aware of the attacks from the last 3 planes and took over and tried to stop them they crashed into an empty field Learned about these attacks when i was I  the 4th grade and till this day it still makes me sad so many lives were lost.

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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

                                            "Obedience Is the great test of life"
                                                     Thomas S. Monson

         Obedience is the great test in life, i completely agree with this.The reason being is because you are constantly battling between CHOOSING THE RIGHT! and being a disobedient person. When you are asked to read or study by a teacher and your friend starts talking to you its hard to choose which one to do.The right thing to do would have been to study because it can affect your grades ,like your teacher asked you to. In life when you choose to be obedient you can reach your goals. BUT liken i said there is a lot of temptation to break the rules and to be disobedient when you are out in the world.When you are obedient you will get rewarded for your efforts in life. Some may say being obedient is boring,but it is simply wanting to do good. If you are disobedient you might end up in jail. BUT when you CHOOSE THE RIGHT!  and are obedient all you will get is a good job and many other great things.  
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