Thursday, December 15, 2016

                              CLASS EVALUATION 

          I like that we got free time and we got to play games. Another thing  I liked is the typing tutor because it git me a little better at typing. I also liked that i sit next to Michelle Miranda because we became good friends ans she made me laugh, also we help each other out when we our computers mess up. Also the thrill when the wheel spins and mr .Haymore chooses someone for the Ctr card.
           I did not like that we always had to do student success statements and that we had to agree with them. I did not agree with a lot of them and I thought 10 sentences was too much.

        A couple recommendations are to minimize how many student success statements there  are and allow the student to voice what they think about the quote even though they might have a different opinion. Also to make the 10 sentences down to like 6 or 7 . 

              The highlight of this class was getting to hear the stories and see  the videos Mr.Haymore would say and show.
             I think I have tires in this class but not as much as i could have and I could work on that. 

             I am reading my life planning goals journal I have 200 goals already and I've only accomplished about 20 but i am slowly working on it. 

             I am trying to be committed to being a ctr person but as of now i am not  
          Image result for ctr

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


          This video talks about cheating. Two teenage girls were taking a test and one of the girl studied and knew the answers and the other one did not.the girl who did not study then saw the teacher was not looking she took that opportunity to ask the girl who did study what the answer was. The girl who knew the answers was contemplating if she should give her the answers, she did not because it was not the right thing to do.They also talked about how in medical school one courageous soul stood up and said he was gonna tell if he saw anyone cheating because they were all doing it. They were telling us that integrity is better and we should try to achieve things ourselves. Image result for cheating
“When you tell one lie, it leads to another”
              -paul Hatch

       This statement is true, one lie will have you living a make believe life.The reason i say this is because when you lie and say things like oh my mom works at the biggest company in the US , when she really works as a teacher people will start to question you. They will start asking why you do not have clothes that are on runways, why your car isn't the newest releases. Now you will have to lie even more to cover your other lie up which leads to more lies. Then people will never know who you really are. You might have tons of friends but as soon as they find out the truth they will no longer be your friend. Lying is what makes things a lot more complicated. Telling the truth can be mean and hurtful but lying makes everything 100 percent worse in time. Choose the right and do not lie !
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Friday, December 9, 2016

“The sting of the scorpion “
                                        -Patrick Keoron

A young kid was camping in the desert with his mother and father. They always told him to put on his shoes whenever he was going to explore and walk around. One day the little kid did not want to put on his tennis shoes and instead put on flip flops to go explore.As he was walking with his flip flops on he felt something like a thorn go on the side of his foot. That pain and sting was not from a thorn it was from a scorpion. They then rushed him to the hospital and everything was okay but yet he was in so much pain for those 2 hours until he reached the hospital. This shows that when you do not listen and you choose the wrong you can end up getting hurt or paying the consequences. The sting from the scorpion represent things such as consequences and the hurting we do when we do not listen. Listening to what people tell you and always doing the right thing can lead to a life without a lot of pain, while choosing the wrong can mean a life with a sting of a scorpion.
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                                            -MARK TWAIN

This statement is very true.When you do the right thing you are most likely going to get a good outcome. Although sometimes being bad is more fun it may get you into a serious amount of trouble. An example would be if one day you were tempted to drink with your friends and you still drive you can get in serious trouble. You might get your car taken away, you might get a ticket or your life may be cut short. Doing what is right also helps you to be confident and to feel good about yourself. People will trust you a lot more and will offer you more opportunities than those who choose to do bad things. An example would be how they give scholarships or money  to people who have good grades and have done volunteer work.They give them the money because they trust them and they know the money will go straight for school,and with bad kids you can never trust what they are going to use the money for.Remember to always choose the right it can save your life.
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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

“ It’s better to be alone than to be in bad company.”

Image result for ctrI agree with this statement. The reason i agree is because when you are alone their is many things you can do.Some of those things are read,write,study and focus on your schoolwork . When you are alone you won’t be tempted to choose the wrong.When your friends are bad you will want to fit in with them. You will feel peer pressured into doing many of the things they do such as smoke,drink,and do other ad things. Bad company can only bring you into a bad future.Although you might think those bad people are your friends right now, they just want to see people fail with them.Although being alone might seem boring it is better than going down the wrong path. Remember to always choose the right no matter what !!!
                                          WORLD WAR II
Who fought whom in world war II?
  • One side of was Germany,Italy and Japan on the other side it was Britain,France. the United states, china ,new Zealand, and India
Where did world war II occur?
  • It mostly took place in Europe,East Asia and Islands in the Pacific
Name and describe a few events that happened during WWII?
  • On the 7th of December, 1941,  Japan bombs Pearl Harbor. It was a US naval. First they attacked ships and airplanes and then they attacked whatever was left. They attacked the US because the did not want anyone to interfere with them conquering Southeast Asia.
  • The Holocaust was another important thing that happened.During World war II Adolf Hitler took over Germany and led everyone to believe the Jews were an inferior race.Hitler then began to do concentration camps for the jews that involved mass murder centers in Poland.
How can we honor and show respect for WWII veterans?
We can show respect by picking up their tab at a restaurant or by simply saying thank you. We can write to them or offer them our seat if we have a window or aisle seat in a plane we can give them flowers or candy. We can give them discounts and  donate to them.  

Monday, December 5, 2016

 Challenges Teen face today
            Some of the challenges teen face today are things such as depression.11 percent of young people get depression before age 18. It can harm your educational and social life. They also face things such as bullying and now even more more with social media being around.It can cause problems with your physical and mental health. They also suffer stress from school and how to balance everything out. Add to that body image and self esteem is a really big one that most teens suffer through.
             I am challenged with stress about a lot of things but mostly school. I am trying to manage everything, from cheer , to my grades to trying to do lots of other things. I am actually doing my homework on free time at school and trying to not to be a procrastinator.The amount of stress school gives me is not healthy and instead of giving us homework all the time teachers maybe should realize we need a break also and we have lots of other things to do rather than do homework all the time.
                  Being a ctr person helps because no matter what you will do what is best for you and not worry about what other people say.
              I can link websites that may help other teens also i might talk to them or make them laugh.   

Image result for challenges teenage faceImage result for challenges teenage face  Reflection: the greatest need that teenagers have is self confidence and Independence.We need this because in order to achieve great things  you have to believe you can.  

Thursday, December 1, 2016

“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong.” -President John F. Kennedy

  This means being healthy helps your mind. Being fit and running can be a good stress reliever. I go running everyday at the park after i come from cheer.Cheer is also a workout too and helps me get fit but to me that is a safe zone where i do not really think.When i am running by myself at night it's is peaceful and a lot more quieter so i can think about things like school and how i am going to do my work. It also helps me feel like i am free because when I run by myself i feel like i can go anywhere.Exercise also helps other people think of creative stuff. Having a healthy body means no matter how good the junk food is you choose the right and at the right foods for your body. Doing things like smoking and drinking is not keeping a healthy body.
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 Health sciences Librarian
Duties and responsibilities:Medical librarians conduct research by reference sources or databases. They provide assistance in finding medical documents.They are good in handling databases and sometimes are skilled enough to maintain a database.


Education:Must have a Masters  degree

Demand or need for this profession: it will just go up 2%

Reflection:I would not like to be a health science librarian because it seems really boring to me.I hate science and doing research and doing databases, to me that would probably be the worst job ever.