Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Image resultA rudder tells the ship where to go and what way to reach the destination. Not having a rudder means you are simply in an ocean going nowhere and getting lost. In the real world this can mean that when you do not have goals then what do you have? Are you just simply living life everyday not knowing where you are heading. Although at times that might sound like the best idea you will be like the boat lost in the ocean. You may find yourself  but when you are a person with no goals at all it is harder. Goals help you realize what you want to do. Life is about having fun but it’s also about stability and knowing where your priorities need to be. Having goals and priorities leads you to all the adventures in life. When you do not have goals you are simply just there , not trying to achieve anything.
      Memorial day weekend

Image result for memorial day weekendThis memorial day weekend was a memorable one. On saturday I came out in a 15  of my close friend Idaly . I got ready and then headed over to her house and went inside the party bus, her cousins were dancing and it was fun. We then headed to the park and take pictures and then later went to the church. After we got on the party bus again and headed to a mc. Donald’s  we all ate and then headed to the party. We  did the dance we had been practicing and then relaxed. We then danced all night and had fun. Sunday it was my aunt's birthday so we had a little barbecue for her. She turned 41 .  On sunday we went to look for housed as we are currently in the process of trying to move out. We then went to my dad’s side of the family and had a barbeque just because we wanted to. When we came home we found out my aunt was in the hospital, so we went to go visit her. It turns out she was having contractions and the baby might be born today.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

“ When a deep injury is done us, we never recover until we forgive.” -Alan Paton

Image result for alan patonForgiveness is a big step to healing. Forgiving someone means that hate you hold in your heart is not there anymore. When you forgive someone it does not mean that you need to talk to them again but it means that you can finally move on with your life.An example would be forgiving someone for saying mean things and hurting your feelings. Although those words may have hurt you, in order for you to forget about it you need to forgive.Forgive even if they do not say that they are sorry. Move on with your life and be happy. One circumstance I would not forgive the person would be if they killed someone so close to me and someone I truly loved. Although it is bad not to forgive In order for me to forgive them I would have to get even with them and maybe the I could forgive them. Forgiveness is a hard thing to do and at some circumstances it is the only option to actually move on with your life.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

“Dare to do Right” - Rex D.Pinegar

Image result for rex d pinegar talks          This quote means that although it is hard to do the right thing if you are brave you will do it. An example would be breaking something that meant a lot to your mom. A typical child would have said they did not break it or touch it, but when you do right you will tell your mom the truth. Although it can get you into a lot of trouble it is better than leaving your mom wondering who did it and how or why. When you do right it shows an action of bravery. When you do not and let someone else take the fall for it, it shows how much of a coward you are. Another example would be if you did wrong and then you get caught and try to bring someone else with you by bringing things that are not relevant to the topic. Just because you did wrong, you need to accept it and not try and get other people in trouble. When you own up to your mistakes it makes you responsible and mature. When you don’t it honestly shows how weak and scared you really are.

Friday, May 19, 2017

  "Dare to stand alone”- Thomas s. Monson

Image result for dare to stand aloneThis means that so many people are followers only a few certain souls have the courage to actually do it. When you think of a dare, you think of doing something that scares you and that is embarrassing. In this generation, people are followers and always try to fit in. The few brave souls that go their own path are the ones who took the dare. An example would be smoking, if you never liked to do it and then all of a sudden you get new friends who love to smoke.  A brave soul wold stand alone and say ,” NO, i never really liked smoking.” The weak ones would do it just to impress their friends and to be a follower. If you smoke just to impress your friends and try to be cool get over yourself. Step up and stop trying to fit in try and do the right thing at all times, although it is hard.
     Physical Therapist
Image result for physical therapistDuties and Responsibilities: Physical therapist help manage pain and regain movement. They do this to people with illnesses or people who have suffered a very hard injury.They may also do treatment plans such as using machines and other things to help regain movement.They may also advise the patients on how to do their own healing plans and what exercises can help get them on the right track.

Salary:$84,024 annually

Education: You will need a doctorate degree on physical therapy and pass a state test called “National Board of Certification for Occupational Therapists”

Demand or need for this profession: Expected to grow 36% from 2014-2024

Reflection: I would like to be a physical therapist. The reason is because although it is a lot of school it has a lot of pay. Add to that it looks like something interesting and something I would enjoy doing as a career .