Friday, October 28, 2016

  “Right is right,even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong even if everyone is for it”
               -WILLIAM PENN
THIS STATEMENT IS TRUE.The reason being is when everyone is out and getting drunk at parties,just because everyone is doing it does not make it okay.You are your own self.Also i feel that having everyone drink is way more dangerous.Another example is that many people do not study and they cheat.Maybe the whole class
did it and everyone was okay with that, it does not make it right.No matter what the circumstance is cheating is not okay, not even when everyone does it.When you are at a party even if they think your lame or they call you stuff for not drinking, remember this quote.Always choose the right!!!!

Monday, October 24, 2016

             "a good name is better than anything you can achieve in life"

                                   -coach K

I agree with this statement.The reason being is because when jobs look at the achievements you've  done if you are rude to them and disrespectful they will not hire you.For example a girl can have the best grades in the class but shes rude to everyone no one will want to talk to her.Another example is if you behave inappropriate for a job interview, since you will not leave a good name they will not recommend anything for you.They can also tell other businesses or jobs their impression on you.I also think that although you should try and make a good name for yourself ,but everyone makes mistakes . The people who want to see you fail will point out hose mistakes and try to give you a bad name and that is not right either.Focus on making a good name for yourself but never try and please and make other people happy while your doing it

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“Global opportunities:careers in other countries”
A United states embassy worker, they work in places like mexico, and places in the middle east.To be an assistant there they pay you $38,000 and to be a supervisory special agent they pay you $143,347.
I would not like to be a Us embassy worker just because you get stationed to places that are at times very dangerous and you don’t know what might happen.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

                                              -PROVERBS 22:1 

I agree with this statement.The reason i agree is because when they say your name why would you want them to remember you by what you have.It is more important for them to remember you because of what great things you did. For example Walt Disney, they don't remember him because of the things he bought or shirt he wore.We all remember him because he made a name foe himself doing cartoons and  stuff to make people happy. Also because he made Disneyland possible for people to enjoy themselves.Walt Disney chose the right and made a great name foe himself.

Health Educator

Education:A bachelor's degree or higher in  health education

Demand or need for this profession:It is to grow 13%                  

Duties and responsibilities: Health educators collaborate with community health resources to find out what are the health needs of the community.They do powerpoints and present it to places such as schools and hospitals.They also provide information about health agencies or medical places.


REFLECTION:I would not like to be a health educator because im not good in the health subject and they do not make very much money.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

                                  Healthcare Administrator

Duties and responsibilities: They manage clinical services from places like clinic and hospitals.They also work to minimize costs and help come to conclusion of financial stuff.


Education:you have to pass a state licensing exam

Demand or need for this profession:The growth for this job is 23%

REFLECTION:I would not like to be a healthcare administrator because i do not find it interesting also i do not want to be anything in the medical field except a psychiatrist

Friday, October 14, 2016

                              “If your so called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong,you be the one to make a stand for right,even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow.”

                    -Thomas s. Monson

I believe this statement is true.When you have friends and they make you drink they are not only putting their life in danger but yours.For example what if you guys go to a party all they all get drunk, if you are the one to stay sober then you are all safe.Lets say they force you to drink too now whoever drives can get into an accident which also affects you .When you are the light the one who does right you save yourself and others.You must have courage to stand alone.If your friends keep pressuring you to do it then they are not actually friends. Real friends would respect your decision and even applaud you for it. Be your own person and do not fall into temptation.   
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                              “If your so called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong,you be the one to make a stand for right,even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow.”

                    -Thomas s. Monson

I believe this statement is true.When you have friends and they make you drink they are not only putting their life in danger but yours.For example what if you guys go to a party all they all get drunk, if you are the one to stay sober then you are all safe.Lets say they force you to drink too now whoever drives can get into an accident which also affects you .When you are the light the one who does right you save yourself and others.You must have courage to stand alone.If your friends keep pressuring you to do it then they are not actually friends.Realo friends would respect your decision and even apploud you for it. Be your own person and do not fall into temptation.   


Duties and responsibilities:Lawyers defend people in a courthouse or in front of government agencies.They summarize and present cases to juries and give advice to their clients regarding what to say and what to do to help win the case.They gather evidence to convince the jury they are innocent and analyzes everything


Education:They must have a doctoral or professional degree

Demand for this career or profession:The growth rate will be 10%

REFLECTION:I would like to be a lawyer because i find the cases very intriguing and the pay is very good.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

                                       “A ctr champion is a person who makes a great human out of themselves”-NOEMI TRIGUEROS

            This statement is true.When you are a champion of something you are great at it. This shows how when you are a super good person you will succeed to be a champion. When you become a ctr person you might do things like give toys to charity or volunteer at an animal shelter.When you do these things you're not only becoming a ctr person but you are becoming a greater person.Always choose the right to better yourself!!!

                                            Environmental Health Specialist

Duties and responsibilities:They determine environmental issues  and take steps to fix them.They monitor local,federal and state environmental regulations


EDUCATION:Most require a bachelor's degree in biology


Reflection:I would not like to be an environmental health specialist because it does not interest me and they do not make a lot of money.

Friday, October 7, 2016

                         " Goal setting is goal getting.Set and get"

                                           -Mark victor Hansen

This statement is true.When you put your mind to something you can obviously do it.Obviously there will be many obstacles ,but if you set a goal you will most likely do it.One example would be when my sister wanted to get into a good University she set her goal once she reached high school. Right now she is attending UC IRVINE  and is about to graduate.My other sister wanted to become a makeup artist and she set a goal to work at either Sephora or Ulta. She achieved her goal because right now she is working at Sephora. When you choose the right and set a goal it will help you realize what and who you want to become.Goal setting is something to keep you organized and ready to become a ctr person.


                                    COLUMBUS DAY

Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer.He discovered the new world which is America,the journey was sponsored by king Ferdinand of Spain in the year 1492.He had been out in the ocean since he was a teen.He had 2 kids and lived in Spain. He went to many expeditions to Africa so he knew the sea of the Atlantic very well.He was known as a villain and a hero because he destroyed the natives home land and made them leave but he opened up a new colony to the Europeans. I believe Christopher Columbus was a villain the reason being is because he made the native Americans leave the only home they knew.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

                                     “When obedience becomes our goal,it is no longer an irritation;instead of a stumbling block it becomes a building block”

        -James E. Faust

This statement is true. The reason being is because when you are obedient it helps in your life.The reason i say this is because when you are obedient it builds you up.When you listen you know what to do and you are smart and that helps you build up your life.Things like drugs are used to mess up your life and make you stumble.While when you listen you get good grades and doing good in high school makes you a good person or a successful one too. When you are obedient it helps shape who you are in life.I get you might get irritated at some points because you really want to go some place but you can't because your mom says you can't but she is only looking out for you. The sooner you realize that the better the obedience is going to come help shape who you are.
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DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: they help when you are  feeling angry or sad.They talk about things that are the reason maybe they feel this way.They have confidential talks and they can diagnose people with mental illnesses.


EDUCATION:you will need a masters degree in counseling or psychology.

DEMAND:grow 34% from 2014-2024
 REFLECTION:I would love to be a therapist because i would love to help people figure out their problems.Also yes the school may be a long time but the pay is really good.